Monday, May 2, 2011

One Fell Swoop

Good evening all. It's been a quiet one, listening to The Spill Canvas... taking me back. I'm currently sitting in front of the computer staring at an unfinished bathroom project - far from finished. I also have a very cluttered basement. I also have a plaster issue to address in the upstairs bedroom. There are also multiple holes in my chimney that need to be patched. All of these things to do, yet I can't peel myself away from taking/editing photos. So, bonus for your eyes, or not - depending on how you feel about my photography. Here are some photos I took of Jessica a while back experimenting with light. I wanted more of a hard light directed onto her. So, after cutting up a dog treat box and wrapping it around my flash I had my hard light source.

On a side note - I haven't been happy with the picture quality after uploading to blogspot... does anybody out there know whether or not the photos keep their resolution? I may be looking to switch - hold tight for updates on that. Anyhow, the photos... I'm pretty stoked about the last one after painting it... it'll be blown up and on our wall soon enough. Perhaps the 2nd one as well... I'm digging black and white way more than color lately!

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